Foreign partner — who he is, what it is important to know about the first meeting, how to build a relationship and other useful information


During the performance, the parties exchange a handshake, which should be sufficiently strong, but at the same time short. It is important to maintain eye contact with your partner. Sometimes Norwegians tilt their heads slightly (a kind of polite nod) as a sign of greeting.

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Personal Space

It should be kept in mind that Nigerians have a shorter comfort distance than other cultures, such as those in Northern Europe or North America. This is especially true for those living in the south. In northern Nigeria, the comfort distance is noticeably greater.

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For those who develop business contacts with foreign partners

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and educators

For those interested in the topic of cross-cultural differences

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Personnel of organizations

For those involved in the development of cooperation programs with foreign countries

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How to make communication with a foreign partner effective? Cultural profiles of countries — in the public domain


During the greeting

In a number of cultures a firm Russian handshake is not accepted, for example, in India and Iraq. How should you greet your partner?

When contacting

It can be difficult to determine where on a business card is the first name and last name, and when it is possible to switch to "you".

Giving a business card

What language should the business card be in? What is important to remember when passing it on?

Starting conversation

What topics are considered dangerous? And what is the best way to engage in conversation?


Pauses in conversation, loud expressive speech, violent gesticulation? What is common in my partner's culture?

The answers to these and many other questions can be found on this site:

South Africa
Preferred Topics

Sports are the most popular topic, particularly rugby, cricket and soccer, especially if the local teams perform well on world sports grounds.

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The handshake is a traditional form of greeting in the Swiss business community and beyond. During a meeting (or farewell), handshakes should be exchanged with everyone present. It is important to maintain direct eye contact with your partner.

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Only relevant information for working with foreign partners

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