
Gift-giving rituals

No something about gift-giving rituals in business. 

The usual questions: How should gifts be presented and received? How should they be wrapped up? Should they be opened in front of the giver? What should be said? When can they be refused? Let's see how things are in different cultures. 

 Wrapping gifts is really important, for example, in Iran they should be wrapped elegantly, in China wrapping paper shouldn't be of white and black or black and yellow colours, in India yellow, green and red paper is often used to wrap gifts because they are regarded as lucky colors. In many cultures gifts are usually not opened in front of the giver. This is, for example, the case in Türkiye or in China (unless the giver asks to do it), in India or Iran. In the latter cultures, gifts are appropriate when visiting a partner at home. When giving a gift don't be surprised to hear a decline to accept it. This is just part of the ritual, not real refusal, but humble and modest behavior looks good. Giving and receiving gifts with both hands is usually practiced in many Asian cultures, especially in those with strong Muslim traditions.